Swiss Open Final

A warm welcome to you!

The Aarefisch Swimming Club is pleased to invite you to the spectacular Swiss Open 2024, which will take place from December 20 to 22 at the Campus Sursee Sportarena.

This high-caliber event promises an extraordinary gathering of international swimming stars and at the same time offers a platform for the best national young swimmers to compete with international young talents and demonstrate their skills.

Die Sportarena Campus Sursee ist Schauplatz dieses spannenden Wettkampfes, der die Schweizer Schwimmszene ins Rampenlicht stellt. With first-class facilities and an enthusiastic atmosphere, an unforgettable experience awaits you.

The organizing committee of the Swiss Open 2024 cordially invites you to be part of this outstanding event. Whether as a participant, supporter or helper on site – your commitment will help make the Swiss Open 2024 an unforgettable success.

Look forward to thrilling races, top performances and the thrill of swimming at the highest level. Be there and experience the excitement when athletes from all over the world meet in the Campus Sursee Sportarena to overcome their limits and compete for the top places.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Swiss Open 2024!

The organizing committee of the Swiss Open 2024

A warm welcome to you!

The Aarefisch Swimming Club is pleased to invite you to the spectacular Swiss Open 2024, which will take place from December 20 to 22 at the Campus Sursee Sportarena.

This high-caliber event promises an extraordinary gathering of international swimming stars and at the same time offers a platform for the best national young swimmers to compete with international young talents and demonstrate their skills.

Die Sportarena Campus Sursee ist Schauplatz dieses spannenden Wettkampfes, der die Schweizer Schwimmszene ins Rampenlicht stellt. With first-class facilities and an enthusiastic atmosphere, an unforgettable experience awaits you.

The organizing committee of the Swiss Open 2024 cordially invites you to be part of this outstanding event. Whether as a participant, supporter or helper on site – your commitment will help make the Swiss Open 2024 an unforgettable success.

Look forward to thrilling races, top performances and the thrill of swimming at the highest level. Be there and experience the excitement when athletes from all over the world meet in the Campus Sursee Sportarena to overcome their limits and compete for the top places.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Swiss Open 2024!

The organizing committee of the Swiss Open 2024

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Latest news about the Swiss Open


Swiss Open 2024 date

The Swiss Open 2024 will take place from 20-22.12.2024 in the Sportarena Campus Sursee. As last year, the Swiss Open 2024 will be held with

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Soon the Swiss Open will start in the Sportarena Sursee


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