Welcome to the Swiss Open 2024
Latest news about the Swiss Open

Thank you ¦ Merci ¦ Grazie ¦ Danke
Liebe Mannschaftsführerinnen Liebe Sportlerinnen Vielen Dank für eure Teilnahme an den Swiss Open 2024 in der Sportarena Campus Sursee! Wir würden uns freuen, euch auch

Results & records updated
Thank you for your outstanding performances at the Swiss Open 2024. We have updated the records and posted the results. Enjoy your days off and

Tickets from 19.12. only at the box office
Spectator tickets for the Swiss Open 2024 will be available from 19.12.2024 (Thursday) exclusively at the box office of the Sportarena Campus Sursee. We look

Swiss Open Live at Swimify
Swimify will be used at the Swiss Open to process the competition results. The live results are published in real time under Swimify Livetiming and

20% discount at Schwimmprofi Obermair
Swimming pro Obermair is offering all swimmers a 20% discount on swimsuits for the Swiss Open 2024. Further information can be found in the flyers

Team Leader Information
The information for the team captains can be found under the following links: GermanItalianFrenchEnglish You can get the latest information in the free Sportity app